Friday, 28 November 2008

Close up with Alexander Jackman

Dear Readers,

It has been a long time; I shouldn't have left you. However, taking moments to write has been really scarce since I have been working towards the official launch of my book 'I AM'.

'I AM', is still travelling around the globe and I have to say the standards of photos have been raised yet again. In fact, I am thinking of presenting an award to the best amateur photo and best professional photo (so that it is a fair competition) at my book launch next year! Photos are now being taken in and around London. Please get in touch with me on facebook if you wish to read a preview of 'I AM' and would like to take some interesting photos of your own. If you are travelling to cities or villages out of London let me know and I shall provide a copy. I would like for my book to reach every city on the earth and if that is to remain possible then I need your help. It was always a dream of mine to travel around the world, whether I can or not in my lifetime, I do not know and I am certain that is the same for many of us. Therefore, what I have decided to do is ensure that this book travels to those places we may never be able to see for ourselves and as consolation we can say we have been there in spirit. I hope this will help you to see how dreams can be made possible.

I made my first guest appearance at Close Up in Brick Lane. I had a fantastic time and met some great people who had very inspiring words to share in my guestbook. I wish to thank them all for making me feel welcome, I have been away for too long to remember what it feels like to have people appreciate what I do. I hope you were pleased with what I had to show and I promise there is more to come.

I reserve a special thanks for the organisers, camera persons and photographers. In particular I would like to thank Elizabeth James for her photography but more importantly her character. If anyone is looking for a photographer that knows how to be reliable, punctual and equally passionate about the quality of her own work you need to get in touch with her. She is very efficient and does everything she says she is going to do. I definitely recommend getting in touch with her on Facebook she is very personable and we will continue to work together.
When you visit my website please feel free to leave 8 random words in my guestbook section. This is a perfect opportunity for you to get to know my writing style and also see how you are able to inspire me. As an added incentive I will decide what work can be published in forthcoming volumes and you will be credited for your words.
If you have any friends who ask questions about the book or the photos please encourage them to join the facebook group page since it is the best way for me to keep you all updated on my progress.
Great strides have been made since I first embarked on this journey and I am happy you are able to see something happen from the beginning. Who knows where it will go.
I will leave you with something written in my guestbook as illustrated by these photos last night in Brick lane.
Although you are standing by the shore @ the moment, soon the rest of the world will be your oyster!
Until next time.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Our time has come

Dear Readers,

There are significant moments in our lives however small or great that can define who we are, our character and ultimately determine whether we have the capacity to step out of our comfort zones. My grandfather at the age of 14, bold and determined, approached President Roosevelt on a visit to Trinidad and coolly asked him for a job. There are other moments too, what about the 8 year old boy that had witnessed his mother cry for the first time and vowed to be a better man than his father could ever be. Or the young girl who appears to have nothing left and says defiantly 'I can do this on my own!'. Like Oprah, she can become the most influential woman in the world. I am certain in our own childhood we have aspired to be that great icon that can change the lives of many. For one of us that dream has become reality today!

For years we have all been guilty of finding reasons to remain in fear of change, even when it is for the betterment of ourselves. Sometimes saying goodbye to the so called family, friends, partners, or lovers whom only serve to undermine and invalidate our existence is the best form of hello to a new beginning. We have made the decisions to the absolute detriment of ourselves, and blamed others for our failings since we were too afraid to take responsibility. We have even surrendered in defeat and placed our expectations on the shoulders of our younger generation. So I ask is this a not a burden we have taken too far? Since our dreams are now over, does it have to be theirs? Can they not have dreams of their own?

I see some important events taking place that will begin to change the mentality of our lost generation. This event is called THE NOW. Whatever happens in the US from today, let us remember it will not be overnight. So it is not as important what Obama decides to do as President. Instead his example should be used as a symbol of what is possible, and how far we can go if we want it bad enough. It is now more important what we do TODAY and TOMORROW. He has taken a leap of faith and won admirers around the globe with integrity and the ability to restore hope! So there is nothing that is impossible! His position as a President sets a new precedent for each and every one of us irrespective of our race, colour and creed. In 1963 Martin Luther had a dream, I feel a part of this dream came true in the early hours of this morning! So what about our own dreams and are we going to wait for someone else to realise them for us? Our choices today will affect our tomorrow. So make those choices.
'Genius does not simply reside in the few, but in all living beings'.
Until next time.